
生物专业|2014年05月04日 15:27
加州河滨分校UC Riverside

  加州河滨分校UC Riverside

  它建有一个独立的Graduate Program in Genetics, Genomics and Computational Biology。

  (1)申请。这个program包含3个track: Molecular Genetics, Evolution and Population Genetics, and Genomics/Bioinxxxxatics。申请的时候,需要注明申请哪个track。Genomics/Bioinxxxxatics是目前最受青睐的一个方向。


  推荐的教授是 Jiang Tao,来自计算机与工程系。他的主要研究兴趣很广泛,包括developing efficient algorithms and software for computational problems in molecular biology and genomics; efficient algorithms for comparison of annotated sequences, quartet-based reconstruction of evolutionary trees, comparative plant/bacterial genomics, probe set design and cluster analysis for oligonucleotide fingerprinting of ribosomal RNA genes (OFRG), search for tranxxxxion factor binding sites, NMR peak assignment, haplotyping on pedigrees, and a few prototype software tools。

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